So this is what I wrote on June 30, after having watched Eclipse at midnight:
Bear with me...I'm sleep-deprived so I may not exactly be able to form cohesive sentences. I hope I can get my thoughts about Eclipse across while they're still fresh in my mind~ before they're clouded by other people's reviews.
**Read at your own discretion: there are some specific plot points mentioned that may spoil the movie for you if you haven't seen it.**
First off, the "Loves":
- the coloring in the film was finally normal~ it wasn't perpetually blue or brown-orange! Kudos to the new director.
- Kristen can finally act without blinking and licking her lips a bagillion times a second, and she formed full sentences without stuttering too much. Yay.
- Charlie!
- I thought the tribal council scene with Billy telling the legend of the third wife was done pretty well. Felt a bit rushed, but it got the point across.
- All the training scenes with Jasper & the Cullens. Finally some action and not just standing around looking pretty and saying one-word lines.
- The proposal scene: exactly as a I had pictured it, bed and all ;} I thought it was so cute when Edward's voice cracked: it reminded me of when Franco proposed to me! Ring was pretty~ glad they didn't make it an awful yellow-gold. Still am not a fan of the huge circular diamond set, but it is better than I expected.
- THE TENT SCENE. OMGness. My favorite! And when Jacob & Bella kiss...didn't feel any chemistry but it was still cute.
The "Likes":
- Okay, Bryce as Victoria wasn't that bad, but still, I missed Rachelle.
- I only liked Riley~ I understand why they made his role more prominant, but you weren't supposed to feel sorry for him, right? Cuz I didn't. At all.
- Seth--I think he did pretty well in the short time he was in the movie, as a human and as a wolf.
- I really enjoyed watching Jasper and Rosalie's histories. Break it up a little bit.
- Bella's wig. Her black, spiky Joan Jett hair would have looked a lot better than that ug-a-ly wig in some scenes. Bleh.
- Victoria's decapitation--wow. Didn't think it could look any more fake. I mean, of course it's fake, but it was a little too dramatic...
- Bree--not as I pictured her, a little too "young," which yes, I know she plays a newborn vampire and she's only 15 in real life, but in the Bree Tanner book and in her short scene in Eclipse, I pictured someone wildy different. Read Eclipse. She's supposed to have chin-length dark hair. Yeah.
- Bad verbage. I know Jacob has a potty mouth, but did they really need to illustrate it that much in the film? I know, I know, it's only a few words, but still. Stephenie did just fine without them.
Love you assessment of the movie! So true! Love the pics too!
Just some expertise to share from a cosmetology POV. I actually liked the look of Bella this time. The wig wasn't bad for me. It held true to her persona in the book. She is simple, not done up, no make-up (natural looking), not curled ringlets...She never blew her hair dry, or straightened it, so I would assume from letting it air dry and the moisture in the air in WA, her hair would not be very smoothe (it would have some frizz) so just a thought. I am going to see it again tonight, so I will get to my assessment later. Loved your take on things.
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