

Eclipse At Midnight

    I'm almost finished writing a more comprehensive review on Eclipse, but I'll wait a day or so before I post that. Thought I'd share a little bit about my first experience watching a Twilight Saga movie at midnight.
I was dreading this midnight showing for two reasons,
         1. I knew I wouldn't get enough sleep and therefore be a zombie for the rest of the day, and
                2. The. Screaming. Fans. After my experience last year at the New Moon red carpet premiere, I didn't particularly like the "scream your head off at anything Twilight" idea.

     My friends Shelby and her sister Megan were perfect Twilight-movie-viewing pals, excited but not over-the-top. We got to the theater three hours early. It was perfect timing. There were people there at 2 pm, and that's just nuts. Another plus, our line was inside the theater, so we didn't have to brave the cold. Yes, it's almost July and it's raining in Southern California. The world is ending.

I brought the first two movies and Twilight: SceneIt to play on a portable DVD player so the time passed quickly.

A half hour before midnight, we entered the theater and got seats right in the middle. Hooray! We settled in and waited for the movie to start.
     And waited.
           And waited...

It finally started twenty minutes late and then a couple minutes in, the screen went black. Five minutes later, it started up again. Phew. A minute later, black again. Seriously?? It ruined the first ten minutes of the movie for us, but whatever. I was too tired to complain. And all throughout the movie I didn't hear a peep of interruptive comments or giggling. I was so happy! I only regret not sleeping long enough.

Even though Eclipse was centered around Bella, she wasn't the main character anymore. That's why Eclipse is my favorite book of the saga. We really get to know who and why the Cullens and the werewolves are and get a break from Edward/Bella's "perfect" relationship. Jealousy plays a big part in this story, but Rob and Taylor took it miles away from the juvenile "Mine! Gimme!" teen relationship drama and instead gave a very satisfying show. Yes, the romance was more intense--*spoiler--leg-hitch!*--and I had a 13-yr-old sitting right next to me who got a little uncomfortable in some parts, but it was in no way superfluous. I'm watching it again on Friday and I can't wait. Though I will need to get some sleep before then.

   For those of you who have seen it,
what scenes were the biggest crowd-pleasers?
Here are my favorite few:
1. Jacob makes his entrance. Nicely-fitted black shirt on a ripped Jacob. Yes, I will get on the bike behind that.
2. Bella and Charlie start to have "the talk." I loved all the scenes with Charlie. He's just cool.
3. Jacob uses a double entendre! To Edward in the tent: "Let's face it, I'm hotter than you." Classic.
*See more big audience reaction scenes here.

     So that's my little teaser. I'm going to try to sleep now.

1 comment:

Olivia Carter said...

HA! I agree with all of this. Even though we rented a theater & had giveaways and such we had mostly older girls so everyone was pretty tame.

Hooray for Eclipse!

P.S. Edwards controlling-ness creeped my out LESS in the movie than in the book but it was still CREEPY! I hope no young girls out there think, "Oh how romantic he took apart her car so she couldn't go somewhere." That's just creep-fest.