

Spring follows even the harshest of winters.

I'm not sure if it's a real saying, but it felt true enough last Sunday afternoon as I took a walk around our neighborhood to clear my head. I've had some struggles off and on of the personal and spiritual sort, mostly having to do with balance, that ugly seven-letter word, where I found myself getting exasperated much too easily. Exasperated around my family, my friends, even a stranger who offered a well-meaning piece of advice about motherhood. Because we mothers know how much we love unsolicited advice, right? Well, everything just got to me, I'm sad to say, and I knew that if I didn't do something about it, I'd just crack.

So I took a walk. In my head, as I walked briskly (it was chilly), I prayed. I implored. Sometimes I would mouth the words and I remember thinking that I probably looked like a madwoman talking to herself, walking so fast down the sidewalk. After several minutes of silently asking, I slowed down a little and looked around me.

Trees. Flowers. Birds chirping. Sun shining. Smiling neighbors. Calm.

And then I felt something wash over me.  


How could I forget to thank my Heavenly Father for what He's shared with me so willingly? The blessings which have been poured out of the windows of heaven, so many that I don't have room enough to receive them? My breath caught in my throat and I should have felt ashamed but surprisingly I did not. Because He'd already forgiven me; another thing to be grateful for. All of a sudden my struggles seemed like a pittance, not because they didn't matter but because I knew then how I needed to deal with them. The way was so clear it was as if the fog lifted and I could see the road again. I felt incredible peace.

I then looked up at a tall tree and saw a beautiful sight: on just a few of the bare branches, blossoms. I smiled and let out a breath, almost like a new breath. A beginning. I was reminded once again that I'm not alone. I felt sad for an instant that I had to be reminded, but at least I hadn't forgotten completely. I will work hard to never forget again. I thanked Him and haven't stopped thanking Him since for speaking to my heart so tenderly and reminding me that spring follows even the harshest of winters.

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