

something old into something new, and two photos in which i look terribly chubby.

Because I suffer from acute indecisiveness when it comes to web design (here, here, here, to name a few) I had to yet again change up my personal blog layout, name, etc. But I really like this one, so maybe it'll stick longer than a year? We shall see. I always get antsy and change things around this time every year, at home as well as on the web...why is that, I wonder?

I recently updated my design blog, too. Though I have yet to commit to regular posting. And! I almost forgot. I started another blog last month, too. (What? Another one, Anelieze?? You can't even keep up with this one!) Well, it's a blog dedicated to well-designed resources for primary in our church. It's in Spanish, though, and I've only posted five times yet, but I have high hopes for this one! It's called: Para La Primaria.

Oh, and this little blog turned five years old on Tuesday. Huzzah! Hey, thanks for sticking around.

Photos above from Thanksgiving, 2012. I took so long posting them because I just look so chubby. But we don't have any pictures together since then, so these will have to do for now..

1 comment:

Brittanie said...

I think you look fabulous! You guys are adorable. Miss you!