

The Waidmanns

I've been taking a crack at photography lately. I love it! I have never taken a class, but I do know photoshop really well, so I thought, why not? Last month I did a little photoshoot for the Waidmann family. We used the CSUCI campus as our backdrop, which is convenient for me since it's steps away from where we live. Brock Waidmann, the oldest son, will be on an NBC show next fall called The Paul Reiser Show. I'm excited to have taken their family pictures! Like I said, I'm a newbie, so don't judge quite too harshly. =)
This next one is my personal favorite. They've got some handsome boys!
Don't worry. I won't quit my day job ;)


Cody and Kylie said...

I think you did a wonderful job! Its great to see the Waidmans and how Brock has grown up. :)I love your photos.

Emily said...


I see the artist through those shots, and you really captured the personality!!!

Olivia Carter said...

Awesome pics! Love, love, love them!