

Pandora Stations

I'm not new to Pandora, but didn't use it until recently.
I used to think was the greatest thing out there,
but after a thousand listens to the same playlists over and over, I got tired of it.

I tried out iTunes again for a while, but even that didn't give me the variety I craved.
I don't like it when I know what song is coming next,
or have heard the song more than once in the past week.
{It's one of my pet peeves, actually.}

Then when my cousin Ed came to visit last month,
he said he listened to Pandora every night when he went to sleep.
It reminded me about that website so I checked it out again.
I love it!
I don't have too many stations yet,
but my favorite is a mix of
Brooke Waggoner, Regina Spektor, Sondre Lerche, and Owl City.
It's absolutely wonderful!
I definitely recommend it.

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