

Harry Potter 7

November 19th finally came and went! We finally got to see the first installment of the long-awaited for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I kept my tradition and saw it opening night with Franco, Kelsey, Brian, Iris, and Randy. Got there an hour early and saved perfect seats for us and our friends. I even wore my homemade/homedesigned tshirt, pictured below {I'm slightly looking off to the side because I was preparing for the incredibly bright flash, which was inches away from my face, to go off. Stinky flashes}.

Deathly Hallows was very well done. It was fun, scary, sad, and exciting. Franco expected more action. Uh, have you not read the book? A good third of it is camping, hiding, and then camping again. That's why they made two movies. And I thought it had a lot of action scenes that made sense, and weren't drawn out for the sake of being action-packed. The only thing is: this is not a kid's movie. There were a lot of kids in the movie theater and some had to leave the theater multiple times because it was "too scary." There was one particular part that definitely tested my vocal chords. And, of course, the digitized sensual, semi-nudity of Harry & Hermione was not for audiences under 20, in my opinion. It was too drawn out, but it did make a point. Other than that, I loved it! Wouldn't see it again for full-price, but definitely $3-theater-worth-it in a couple months.

I'm now reading the book right where the movie left off. See? I don't need to gripe about how we have to wait another 8 months until the second part comes out. I can see the movie in my head as I read the book. And it looks exactly how I want it to look.

*Potter 6 review here.

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