

Christmas Advent Calendar List- 25 Activities for Decembering & Remembering

So, not surprisingly to me, I failed at posting the rest of our Christmas Advent calendar activities last month. Partly because we skipped a few of them or I didn't take photos, and partly because I just got busy and was too lazy to post. But the unfinished series was still bugging me almost halfway into January so I thought I'd do a comprehensive post and just list our daily activities, whether we actually did them or not.

If we skipped a day or two, we combined them into one or left it for a more convenient time. (The Christmas lights, for example, we left for a relaxed Sunday night.)

Our family is LDS, belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and therefore a few of the items on this list refer to things or places relating to our church. However, they are open and available to all Christians and all other faithful people who need spiritual enlightenment in addition to fun-filled activities during the month of December. In the paragraph below the list I link to more information about a particular item on the list if it relates to our church.

Feel free download this list and save it for later this year. Because we all know December sneaks up behind us before we're ready for it! We looked forward to opening the little white envelope each day and it truly did change our attitudes during the Christmas season. We focused more on what we had rather than what we thought we needed. Health, family, and a handsome boy to keep us feeling young! That's all we needed.

2. The First Presidency Christmas Devotional is always held in the late afternoon on the first Sunday of December. Our prophet and his counselors speak about Christmastime and Jesus Christ and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir graces us with beautiful Christmas music.
25. Luke 2

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