

Charles Johannes

Charlie jumping up like my sister and cousin below because he felt left out
Three and a half years after I was born and exactly 22 years ago, my parents welcomed my brother Charles into the world. We call him Charlie, Charlie Chaplin, Charla, Charlza, or Chuck Jones. He's my de facto lifeline if I can't remember what movie a quote is from and I joke with him that he could probably talk in quotes all day if he had to!

He has a strong desire to go on a mission for our church soon, and we are all behind him, supporting him and rooting for him to go. He is 22, a little older than usual for a missionary in our church, but I think he has matured so much and this is the best time for him to go.

Tonight we're meeting our family and a bunch of his friends at his favorite entertainment place Medieval Times in Buena Park. Looks like we're going to have a good knight! (har har)

Charla, I love you! Happy birthday, Bro!

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