

Me Doctor Recommends A Quiet Summer By The Sea!

Thanks, friendly gals for your comments on the last post. It's funny to me how there won't be any comments for the longest time, not even on important events {like this} but when I post about a glitter d.i.y. they come a-rolling in! Ah, the strange phenomenon that is the blogging world. I think I will never be a Jordan Ferney or a Naomi Davis, so I will need to focus on other things instead of trying to attract readers. That way I can appreciate what these talented ladies, plus dozens more, do from afar and be satisfied with my talents, and try not to copy theirs.

On to the important part of the post. Cute photos of cute kids in their swimsuits.
See more from this shoot here.


Tasha said...

The sun must have been shining bright. Loved it! Commented more on your other site.

Brittanie said...

:) I read every post you write, but don't always comment. I hope that happens with people on my blog too. Anyway, I hope we get to see you this weekend!!! Love the photos!