

Draw Me The World.

For five years Franco has told me time and time again about how he once drew a mural of characters from comics for a friend {after hearing the story a thousand times you would think I would remember which characters}. I think it was of the ninja turtles...or maybe it was one of those superheroes.

A few days before Christmas, Franco remembered there was a huge roll of paper on his side of our closet and he had the inspiration* to draw another mural and gift it to his brother Mosi for Christmas.

Carol from WTWTA, Sonic the Hedgehog, Iron Man, Scooby & Shaggy, R2D2, and even casper materialized onto the paper under Franco's meticulous pencil/pen. He really does have a great talent for drawing characters.

We stayed up very late the eve before Christmas eve trying to color it all in, but we didn't get very far. So we wrapped up the crayons along with the mural and presented it to Mosi. The big unveiling, or more like unrolling, was very exciting. Lots of oohs and aahs and This is so cool's. Now it's hanging on Mo's wall and, little by little, the characters are coming to life.

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