

Zurcher Family Pictures

Last month, we took pictures with my family after church one Sunday since the last nice family picture we have is two years old. It was kind of impromptu, and I wish Franco were in them with us, but we needed him as the photographer. He took the family ones and the ones with me in them, and I took the rest of the portraits/group ones. {I love the one of my youngest brother, Lev, with his "future missionary" plaque. I have no doubt that he will be a great future full-time missionary! =}

I made a 20 x 30 inch collage with these pictures and framed it for my parent's living room. I'll post a picture as soon as I can get one. I heart family pictures!

Isn't my mama beautiful?



Chuckjones said...

Makes us look so much better! But yeah, momma is beautiful! I guess my sisters are too, XD.

Olivia Carter said...

Love the family pictures!

Emily said...

what a beautiful family!!!

Please ane~~ let me know if you want for me to take shots with franco in them .

I would be happy to!!! As long as it takes :0) which is probably not long for your beautiful family...

And that future missionary shot is GREAT of lev.

Karina Arshad, Kaza Design, LLC. said...

these pictures are amazing! You all came out soo nice!!