

1984 "A Christmas Carol"

We had never seen the classic A Christmas Carol other than in a church production on stage and the Muppets version long ago. The 1984 version is available on Netflix instant, so Franco and I watched it on Monday night.

I should not have watched it with all the lights out, late at night. Um, the ghost of Christmas future was scarier than Voldemort! And the part where the "ignorance and want" children come out, I wanted to hide under the blanket--I think I did. I seriously went to bed thinking, "I'm going to have nightmares, I need to stop thinking about it. Stop thinking about it--rainbows, furry little sheep...what do I need to do tomorrow...?"

I didn't have a nightmare, but seriously, I was scared. I'm just a wimp when it comes to scary scenes like that. I owe it to my wild imagination. At least I knew what the ending would be and I could cover my ears and close my eyes and not really miss anything.

Needless to say, it wasn't my favorite Christmas film. I think I'll stick to the cheerful A Charlie Brown Christmas.

We haven't seen the Jim Carrey version, how is that?

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