

This Week

Happy Friday!
I'm so glad it's Friday, 
though I can't say it's been a tiring/busy week because, 
well, it's actually been the opposite.
 It's been a quiet week at work and at home it's been pretty peaceful, too. 
I think I'm finally learning to manage my time more wisely. 
Hmm, sign that I'm getting older and more mature? 
I prefer to think that I'm just prioritizing a little better.

Monday: The long-awaited last first day of school {for undergrad}. Yes, Franco will finally be done with school at the end of this school year in May. We eat instant oatmeal for breakfast pretty much every morning, so to kick off the new school year I made a happy face with raisins and blueberries.

Tuesday: Something  really sad happened about a month ago. Franco & I were driving home from Utah and I got a call that one of my young women's mom had passed away that morning.
My heart just broke and I cried the rest of the way home.
What do you say to a 13-yr-old girl after her mom just passed away?
Believe me, it was a huge learning experience for me. It still is.
Last Tuesday, for our fifth week of the month combined YW's service activity, we went to the family's house and cooked them dinner, weeded their front lawn, and baked them cookies. Some simple little things that hopefully will show them we love them.

Wednesday & Thursday: Worked on an almost-finished website for an author in Newbury Park {yes, I've been working on it for about 3 1/2 months}. I really hope I finish it this weekend. I'm also editing Franco's essay for his optometry school applications. Yikes! Can't believe it's finally happening.

That was our week. Now we're ready for a 3-day weekend! Any plans for Labor day? Franco may have to work, but I might go here with my family to have some real sushi. Sayonara!


Olivia Carter said...

Love the breakfast & the website design you did!

emily barlocker scott said...

That was such a good service idea for YW! How could they not feel the love after good food, warm cookies, and a freshly weeded yard?