

Johnson Family Pictures

Here I go again pretending I'm a photographer... =}

This shoot is from a couple weeks back when the Johnson's asked if I could get some shots of their beautiful family. Photograph a picture-perfect family at the historic Camarillo House on a beautiful Saturday afternoon?
Of course I said Yes!
The Camarillo House regularly has events there, so we had to skirt around and try to stay out of the way of a wedding going on.
This little girl would not smile on demand, which is totally expected for someone as energetic as she,
so I had to keep my camera snapping away with hopes of capturing just one shy smile!
Her big sister was more than willing to cute!
Don't they look like angels in their white "princess" dresses?
I had a lot of fun! Every new photography opportunity is a learning experience for me. I have SO MUCH respect for the real children, family, wedding photographers out there. It's a lot of work, but I can see why people love it so much. You're capturing memories in such a beautifully unforgettable way!


Tami said...

Beautiful pics Anelieze!

Kim said...

They turned out so great! You are amazing. You are definitely NOT pretending to be a photographer! I could learn a few tips from you. :o) I'm trying to get more practice, also.