

Utah + May Wedding: Part 1, Wedding Prep

On April 24th, three of my siblings,
my mom and I set off to Provo, Utah
to attend my cousin Ed's wedding to Rachel Brady,
held on Tuesday, April 27th in Manti, Utah.

I have too many pictures to share,
so I'll keep the narration short.
I borrowed a Nikon D40 from the CSUCI library {SO NICE!}
and thought I'd take advantage and shoot some wedding shots,
coming in Part 2.
Had a fun little photoshoot with my sister Ruth {13} 
and our two cousins,
Shayleen {13} and Aliyeh {9}.
Aldrich with Bito.

Stay tuned for Part 2: The Temple Wedding...

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Rachel Brady!! No way!! She was my roommate for a semester in college before she decided to serve a mission!!! How cool is that! I love that girl :)