

A Mexican Easter

After the Sunday afternoon conference session, which is a whole different post for later,
we quickly headed to my parent's house for Easter dinner.
On the menu:
*carne asada
*deviled eggs
*pico de gallo
*roasted asparagus
*macaroni salad
*green salad
Now that I think about it, it was a weird combination of foods, but it was delicious.
A little of what each of us likes the most.
My brother Charlie & my dad grilling the carne asada.

My youngest brother is 11 and a little too old for some things, so we didn't dye eggs, but we did have an egg hunt. I got one tiny egg, and Franco wouldn't share even one of his five. Just kidding. I didn't even get to hunt. By the time I was ready, they had found them all already.
Oh, well.
The eggs had scriptures in them which we read and discussed Jesus Christ's atonement, crucifixion, and resurrection and what it means to each of us.

I didn't get to take a picture of Cecil, but he was the perfect Easter bunny.
Hope he'll be with us next year, too.


Olivia Carter said...

Love Easter & it looks like you guys had a blast!

Cody and Kylie said...

I love the scriptures in the eggs idea. Great way to put the meaning of Easter into one of the meaningless traditions. Love it!