

Just A Little Lip Gloss And Mascara.

It's one of those days.

Cold April showers...

{photo of a tree outside my office building}

Got out of bed an hour after my alarm went off...

Rushed out looking like death, but thankfully I grabbed my makeup bag so I could at least
put on a little lip gloss and mascara.

Look much better now.

How was your morning?


Cody and Kylie said...

I had so much trouble staying asleep last night, so my morning was only 20 min. better than yours...yikes. But I can't wait to get home and take a well needed nap! Sorry your morning wasn't the best. Looks like we both had a good case of the Mondays!

anelieze castrejon said...

the weekend was soooo great, so maybe this was a test for me to see if i learned anything during conference. i'm good now, but it was kind of a funny morning :)