

Making Strawberry Jam {My First Time Ever!}

Natasha, my jammin' partner & me

I have three mouthwathering jars of homemade strawberry jam!
Last Tuesday night, Gayle taught us, the Young Women & some of the leaders {a.k.a. me}
how to make strawberry jam.
I never realized how simple it is.
I already tried it with toast and it's heavenly.
You must remember that these are Ventura County strawberries~
the best in the land, no contest.

I want to try my hand in making boysenberry or raspberry jam next.
Or apricot. Yum.
Do you make jam? What fruits/recipes do you use?


Cody and Kylie said...

Way to go. You're getting to be so domestic! haha jk. Sounds like fun, and looks yummy.

Heidi said...

I am sad I missed that activity. You will have to teach me now!

Olivia Carter said...

Share how you made it! Is it freezer jam or real jam? Do share!