

Nuevo Ano!

Guess what we did on New Year's Eve?
We chaperoned a youth dance.
What a better way to remind us that we're an old married couple than to stick us with a hundred fourteen- to eighteen-year-olds who're chirping and jerking,
{apparently the latest dance rage}
listening to music we've never heard, let alone know how to dance to,
and feeling so lonely that we had to call our friends to come keep us company.

Here are Erin and I right after she got asked to dance by a 17-yr-old.
Who wants to be 17 again?

Reverse that.

Happy New Year!

It was a long night. But fun.
I'm so glad to be married.

1 comment:

Cody and Kylie said...

HAHA We almost went because my dad was supposed to be babysitting as well. That would have been hilarious!