

I Kind Of Feel Like Lorelai Right Now...

that I can kind of relate to at the moment.
{watch a clip of it here.}

Lorelai, Lauren Graham's character,
has smelled something in the air.
She wakes Luke up and rolls him out of bed.
Luke grrs and grumbles.
They head outside because Lorelai smells snow.
Lorelai is remembering how much  
she loves snow, 
her favorite time of year.

 "Flakes, flurries, swirls, crystals,
whatever form it comes in.
I’ll take it.
We go back, snow and me.
We have a beautiful history."

Luke says the forecast didn’t call for snow.
But, Lorelai is right.
The flurries start coming down.
And she grins from ear to ear.

 So the day continues and Lorelai's in heaven.
But the snow causes a lot of problems
and she realizes that snow isn't as
welcome as it's always been for her.

"Snow is nothing but annoying icy frozen water stuff
that falls out of the sky at inconvenient times.
It’s just stupid stuff you have to shovel out of the way
so customers can get into the Inn. It’s the stuff that melts
and leaks through your roof!
It’s the stuff that stalls your car,
it’s the stuff that buries your car."

 How does this pertain to me right now?
I love the rain.
The smell, the sound, the sense of renewal.

But when the power shuts down at my office
and I can't do the work I need to do,
the rain doesn't seem too nice to me anymore.

One of my bosses, Jason,
drove an hour in the rain today from his home office to work at the
Camarillo office today and literally two minutes after he got here,
the power went off.

And, today is the only day of the week when I don't have my car
so I couldn't drive home myself.
Poor Jason, he had to drive me home,
where there is power and internet access,
and then had to drive all the way back to his house.
I feel so bad.

I need a homemade ice rink to reconcile myself with the rain.

1 comment:

Olivia Carter said...

I love that episodes! SO FUN!