

Potter 6 Review: Don't Read This If You Don't Want To Know!

I just want to put in my two cents before everything goes crazy and people start saying totally berserk {and untrue} things about Half-Blood Prince. I loved it! I won't go into it like I want to, and certainly can, but here are my reasons for completely loving the new movie:

*It's definitely the funniest out of all the movies. I can't decide which part was more entertaining--Ron and the love potion or Harry & the Felix Felices? Lavender Brown was hilarious, too. Good, clean humor. {Very unlike Transformers 2.}
*Every scene in the movie that was in the book happened almost exactly as I had pictured it. *The special effects and cinematography were better than I imagined.
*Music wan't bad, either.
*I think it's cute how the actors are all grown up. Ginny was very pretty & I loved her sassiness. She could have acted a little better, though...
*Malfoy, Tom Felton, did a great job; I really believed his distress & determination to carry out his "assignment."
*Snape finally managed to not look gay. He was particularly menacing in this movie.
*Though they did not include the battle at the end for some reason, the movie still had a defining beginning, middle, and end and it ended with a perfect cliff-hanger...perfect for all the people who refuse to read the series, that is. I know exactly what's going to happen & I can wait a year or two before the 7th book movies come out. I just like to see Hollywood's rendition of the series.

*I only have one gripe about it: it wasn't long enough!

This was my review. Or rather my list of reasons why you shouldn't listen to what anyone says about this movie; it's worth it & everyone did a great job! YOU try making a movie out of a 672-page book that millions of people have read all over the world who have their own opinion of what it should look like. Talk about pressure.

1 comment:

Kylie said...

Lets agree to disagree...haha the actors did a great job tho! I love all of the actors. And I do agree that it was quite funny. But for me, it didnt follow the book. I just feel that the focus was off. But hey, what would be life without different opinions, right? :) You're awesome!