

A Guy's View on Modesty: Modest is Hottest--For Young Women

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that I made this video. It was originally intended for Girl's Camp, but we had technical difficulties {figures} and so I decided to post it on YouTube so everyone can watch it! It was so fun making it, but man, it took a lot of time and effort.


Violet said...

Awesome Job!!!! I'm in a yahoo group for YW leaders. Do you mind if I post a link to this for them?

Cody and Kylie said...

So cute! Good to see all of the guys I hung out with still standing up for us girls. And they are as good looking as ever now as returned missionaries! Definitely boys worth being modest for! I am sure it made a difference with girls struggling with that, giving them more reasons to do the right thing. Its easier to do things when you are supported by members the opposite sex whom you respect.