
5.29.2009 Challenge

I posted on my design blog about a design challenge was having a little while ago, and that I would try to be a part of it, but my computer threw up in my face a little bit and wouldn't let me design for about two I'm going to try to take part in this one. It actually looks like fun.

$1000 First Prize

And speaking of holiday card designs, let me design one for you! I can do anything from baby announcements to birthdays, weddings, and when the happy holidays start getting closer, send me your family picture and I'll design a card for you. I'm building up my portfolio at the moment so any little project helps. Thanks!

1 comment:

Cody and Kylie said...

You are so talented! Good luck with the challenge. You will do great! And I hope you mean it. We will be sending our Christmas cards this year!