

La Piece De Resistance

Last week, my old Dell computer that I purchased about four years ago with my own money was infected by a very nasty virus. We're talking like my screen went black and a big red WARNING! sign flashed and goaded me over and over. My poor compy :( We did everything we could do without spending $200 to take it to be fixed. The funeral will be this Friday.
The happy news is: we bought a new computer! We're very proud of our little addition. Okay, so it's not so little. Our new monitor is 25.5 inches wide and capable of playing HD movies. Which is why we got it. It doubles as our T.V. now. No more sitting 2 inches away from our tiny 9-inch T.V. to watch movies!
Now I just have to learn how to use Windows Vista. Uuuuugh.

1 comment:

Olivia Carter said...

Evil computer virus! Why did people invent such distructive & just plain mean inventions. FOR REAL!