

Before Throwing It Away

I often go through organizing phases where I start to throw out a bunch of "stuff" that I don't need anymore. Do you ever feel that way? I don't do it too often, but when I do, I feel so good after I'm done. I was cleaning out my "scrapbooking/souvenir/paper/artwork box" and found these. I don't have any more use for them, so I thought I'd take a picture to remember them by before I tossed them out. {I did that with my stuffed animals a long time ago so I wouldn't feel too bad about getting rid of them. Somehow having pictures of them feels as if they're still here with}
My sophomore year of college we made these "sunprints." I LOVE doing these. It's special paper that is sensitive to sunlight. You place an object on the paper, put it in the sunlight for about a minute, and the shadow of the object will remain imprinted on the paper. I tried to be creative and I think I used more pages than the teacher wanted me to. These are my favorites:

And now they're in the trash.

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