

Primary Program 2008

In the LDS church, we have a program just for children 3 years old to 11 years old called Primary. My responsibility at church is to teach all these kids music about the gospel. Each year we practice and learn at least 8 songs~ about one a month~ until in October we put on a program for the entire congregation. The kids then can showcase what they've learned & what they know to be true in their own words.
My husband and I attend the Oxnard 6th ward, which is a congregation of Spanish-speaking people. We had our Primary Program Presentation last Sunday and let me be the first to say it was marvelous. The kids were right on task with what they had to do, and they sang loud and filled the room with their loving spirits. I've been music leader for almost a year, and I knew they would do a fantastic job. They're intelligent, fun kids and I'll miss them when we move in a few weeks. I hope they've learned something from me because I've learned so much from them!
Oxnard 6th Ward Primary

After the program on Sunday we just played some games, watched a church video, and had snacks. They had a ton of fun!

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