

What happens when 9 people get together and go Camping?

You get a whole TON of fun!

Franco's told me story after story about his Boy Scouting
days and the endless hikes and camping trips they had to do.
Well, we all had a chance to experience that, too--
minus the scout masters shouting "Get moving!" in your ear.
Upper Oso is a camping ground in the Santa Barbara mountains.
It is also the home of what is called the
 "Death March."
Let me tell you I didn't truly understand the meaning of the name until
about 4 O' Clock on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday morning we woke up at 5:00 am,
arrived at the meeting place in Oxnard at 6:30 am,
and arrived at the ranger station in the park at 8 am.
The station didn't open until 10:30
(I don't think the ranger cared that we were losing precious shade)
and we left for the trail at 11 am.
This picture was taken at 11 am on Sunday morning.

Here's a recap of what happened between 11 am on Saturday to 11am on Sunday:
The sun is scorching us, draining our energy and water.
By the 3rd mile, we're all out of water.
We stop every few minutes because we're all dehydrated and tired,
and most of us are carrying
70 lb. packs!

We finally find shade and Pepe and Cristian try to find water.
Franco and I go ahead about a mile and a half to see
if we can find a campground called "19 oaks*."

I break down crying 4 1/2 miles from where we started
at 3 pm and can't go any further.
We stop at a shady place and Franco says he feels sick.
We rest for about an hour and then head back to where
the rest of the group is waiting for water.
Franco decides he needs water now or he'll get heat stroke and
we leave our packs and walk all the way back to the car, 4 1/2 miles.

It takes about an hour.

We get to the car at 6 pm, and we leave for a little store to find cold water.
We then head over to his aunt's house, shower (heaven!)
and eat a nice dinner.
We get some rest (10 hours of heavenly sleep)
and head out on Sunday morning at 10 am
back to the campground where the group is.
We walk 3 1/2 miles and find the group at a water hole, and this is
where we left off with the pictures.

What an adventure!

Franco feels so much better!

On the way back to camp from the water hole

I fell in love with this field

Zahud, Yesi, Anelieze, & Franco

Zahud, Yesi, Franco, Anelieze, Roxy, Diego (back), Grisel, Cristian, and Pepe (front)


We brought Blink!
and got everyone addicted to it!

They tried to beat Franco, the champ, but failed.
Maybe next time!

*19 oaks was 2 miles into the hike (not 4) and we totally missed it. Figures.

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