

My First Tag!

This is so exciting.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago...
1. Living in Camarillo and had just started 7th grade!
2. I had a big crush on this guy named Blake and I'd chase him around school...
3. I was going to be a genie for Halloween
4. I had big hair.
5. I met one of my best friends Amani.

5 things on today's "to do" list...
1. Go to the library!
2. Make a Jamie Cullum cd mix for my boss.
3. Go grocery shopping.
4. Make more booties for little babies for a Relief Society humanitarian project
5. While watching the Office (I'm almost done with the 4th season.)

5 Snacks I enjoy...
1. Gelato! (You're so lucky, Barbara, you have it every week! Lol.)
2. Monkey Bread.
3. Crackers & cheese
4. Chips.
5. Honey-roasted peanuts

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
1. Go to Paris, France!
2. Buy a house in France.
3. Set up missionary funds/college funds for my kids.
4. Stay in a REALLY NICE hotel.
5. Buy my parents a new house.

5 places I have lived...
1. Camarillo, CA
2. Oxnard, CA
3. That's it. I'm lame.

5 jobs I've had...
1. Babysitter
2. Respire care worker
3. Farmers Insurance CSR
4. Library receptionist
5. Babysitter--again, because I still do it!

5 People who should consider themselves tagged...
Whoever wants do this who hasn't already!

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