

Berkeley, New York, or...Puerto Rico?

The time has come...Franco is applying to optometry schools. Eleven schools, to be exact. He's been busy taking a course this summer to help him boost his score on the OAT (Optometry Assessment Test)  when he takes the test in December. I was excited yet nervous to hear where some of these schools are located: Fullerton, Ca; San Francisco, Ca; Phoenix, Arizona; New York, NY; and Puerto Rico.

You read right.

I wouldn't mind moving to another state or even another country, I think it would be exciting. Strangely, however, we're feeling Puerto Rico might be The Place. Four years on an island and 3,000 miles away from California and family. Would you do it? It draws Franco to it because it's very close to the Dominican Republic, where he served a 2-year mission for our church. I don't know if that's where we'll end up. A lot of prayers and fasting will take place from now until February/March when we find out what The Place will be. But seriously...Puerto Rico??


The Incredibles said...

Living overseas is AWESOME!! Definitely do it if you have the opportunity, time goes by fast, believe me especially if you keep busy which im sure you guys will.

Cody and Kylie said...

If I had a choice I wouldn't live that far away. Its hard when you are just half a days car ride away. REALLY hard. I would say San Fran, Fullerton or Phoenix. But whatever is best for you is what will be. :)

Olivia Carter said...

I when to college in Utah & my parents were in DC. It was hard but it made me a lot less dependent on them, and I think I felt like a "grown up" a lot sooner than some of my other friends.

Scott & I stopped at Puerto Rico on our honeymoon & we loved it there. Also, what a blessing that you would already speak Spanish.