

Cinemagic Live! 2010

I was looking through my pictures from April and May 2010 and realized I have lots of potential blog posts! But to make it easy on myself {and to spare you}, I'll make them as short as possible.

 My 13-yr-old sister Ruth, my 11-yr-old brother Lev, and two of my "Beehives" Maddy and Sarah were all part of a show in April called Cinemagic: Live! It's a performance put on by 180 elementary and junior high kids for our community. They work hard for six whole months and perform for a couple nights. This year's theme was TV and game shows and some movies. They did magnificently!

Lev in "The Brady Bunch"
Top right corner
Ruth as Lily Munster in "The Munsters"
{and a guy with a big head right in the middle of my picture...}
Sarah in "Thriller"
She's the one in the tutu in the middle.
Definitely one of the faves of the night.
My favorite: "Masquerade" from The Phantom of the Opera
Ruth is sitting down on the left. 
Love the costumes! Custom-made for each girl!
Lev, Sarah, & Maddy were all in Footloose together.
 Maddy: right, Sarah: 3rd from right, Lev: second from right in back.
There's the guy with the big head again. 
Why did he wear his glasses on his head if he wasn't using them? 
Take them off so they won't show up in my pictures!! Geez.
Half the kids in the show for the closing number.
I think they did a great job. =)

1 comment:

Olivia Carter said...

What a neat thing that the community has. I like it!