


I have not purchased new boots since 2004.
Even then, my mom bought them for me for $15 at KMart.
{boots pictured here.}
I threw them away last week.

While in San Francisco,
we shopped on Black Friday
and I hoped I would find a good deal on some boots;
a good deal meaning almost free.
Yeah, right.
All the boots I saw were $60 or more.
Nooooo thank you.
But walking down Market Street we happened upon Payless.
I hadn't shopped there since I was a teen.
Just for kicks and giggles we went in.
And I came out with these.

$45 and so comfortable. I'm wearing them now.
I don't care that they're from Payless. Wear them with the right outfit and no one will ever know!
Oh, and Franco got a pair of sneakers for 50% off. Doesn't get any better.


Olivia Carter said...

Oh man! those boots are hot! I love to buy shoes at Payless because I switch shoes too much. I'm fickle. Except with Converse. And they're expensive compared to what I'm used to paying. I just got a pair of boots at a thrift store for $8. They aren't nearly as hot as those though!

The Incredibles said...

I love those boots! I miss Payless! Especially for their baby shoes!

Shantel Aleece said...

Hey, don't knock Payless. It's a great store. On black friday I got a @200 peacoat for $50. Talk about your awesome sales!