

Catchup! Part 2: May 23 at the Griffith Observatory

So, remember in Transformers when all the robots & Sam & Mikaela go to the Griffith Observatory? Yeah, I had to remind Franco about it, too. I recognized it, and since then {2007} I'd wanted to go there so bad. It underwent massive remodeling so I wanted to wait until it was finished. Well, it's done, and it's breathtaking. And free. There was a concert going on at the Greek Theater right next to it the night we went so there was a little traffic, but as you'll see from the pictures, it was well worth the wait and the walk. Once there, we shelled out $5 to see the new planetarium show about Galileo~ 30 minutes of pure bliss, reclining on plush seats and looking up at the huge dome of stars and planets. We walked around the museum and saw the element "Francium" named after my husband, tee hee. Oh, and we got to see Saturn and it's moons through a huge telescope. Surreal!

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