

Our Busy Holidays

How wonderful it is this time of year to spend with friends & family! We certainly enjoyed every minute of it.

December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve with the Stotts! We drove to the Farmer's Market to eat some Churrasco! The Grove was decked out with Christmas decorations and a 100-ft. tree! Thanks, Britt & Mike for spending the afternoon with us!

Christmas Eve Night
We then had a yummy dinner at the Porter's house & as tradition holds in our families, we opened our gifts. I think the one that got the most laughs was the plunger I got for Franco. I'd gone a year and a half living with him without a plunger. I think it's more a gift for me.

December 25, 2008
Christmas Day
We headed over to the Zurcher's home and had a delicious breakfast of chilaquiles & atole! Goodness, I miss my mom's cooking. We then opened gifts~my favorite was an addition to our family~Pingu the penguin! We also had story time with the book I made for my family of the pictures we took when we were in the Yucatan Peninsula Christmas 2005. Good times!

Now I would like to wish all of you a Prosperous New Year! May it be all you imagine it to be. Thank you for a great year of love & fun!
Franco & Anelieze

1 comment:

Brittanie said...

looks like you had TONS of fun! We loved going down to LA with you guys. We hope to see you again soon!